
  • How to Make the Most of Everything

    How to Make the Most of Everything

    A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with my son… at least as much of a conversation you can have with a 4 year old boy that loves talking about bodily functions more than anything…

  • Hurry vs. Urgency

    Hurry vs. Urgency

    All of us that are impatient have been there before. You have a list of 10 things to do. You are half way through your list and then you look back at something you’ve already done and realize it was wrong. You overlooked a detail of it and have to go back and fix…

  • Let Me Ride!

    Let Me Ride!

    I’m not a surfer. In fact, I have never even owned a surf board or gone surfing.

  • Feel Like A Failure?

    Feel Like A Failure?

    Can I tell you about a guy I’ve heard a lot about?

  • The Tension in Transition

    The Tension in Transition

    Transitions have a tendency to be overlooked in life.

  • How to Initiate Conversation

    How to Initiate Conversation

    If there’s one thing those closest to me will tell you about me, it’s that I like conversation. I like to talk. There, I said it. I don’t like walking by people and not making eye contact or saying, “Hey.” If I stand by someone for more than a second or two, I like…