How to Make the Most of Everything


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A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with my son… at least as much of a conversation you can have with a 4 year old boy that loves talking about bodily functions more than anything…

The conversation went something like this:

Me: Hey buddy, we’re gonna go run some errands and grab some lunch.
Him: But I don’t really want to do that.
Me: I know, but that doesn’t really matter. We gotta go. We’ll have fun!
Him: But that’s not something fun.

And then, out of a stroke of parenting genius, I said…

Well, when we can’t do something fun, we just have to have fun doing something.

Genius huh? (#humblebrag)

I think it translates to a lot more areas than just “fun” stuff.

I think it translates to areas of our life that mean more than just having a little fun (although we could all use more fun in the mundane stuff of life).

I think it translates to living out our purpose even when it feels like we have none where we currently are.
I think it translates to making the most of our resources even when it feels like we have little.
I think it translates to growing our relationships even when it feels like they aren’t working.

See what I mean?

It’s in our mindset and attitude going into the thing. Many of us live defeated before we ever even approach the battle.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not all roses and butterflies. There are tough times and times that aren’t any “fun.” However, our attitude often says more about our experience than our situation.

So yeah, when we can’t do something fun, we just have to have fun doing something.

For more about making the most of your everyday, sign up for updates about my upcoming book Be the Switch here.


[bctt tweet=”When we can’t do something fun, we just have to have fun doing something.” username=”jonathanpearson”]


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