Feel Like A Failure?

Can I tell you about a guy I’ve heard a lot about?

I’ve never met him personally, but I feel like I know him. I’ve heard stories about him and know someone that he knows.

This guy has worked a trade, been a preacher, and witnessed Jesus do some pretty crazy things in his life.

At his job, he once broke the company’s machine because his production was so high.
When he was a preacher, literally thousands of people accepted Christ one night after listening to his sermon.
He’s witnessed Jesus’ physical healing at just the touch of his hand.

What if I told you that guy was Peter… Simon Peter… of the Bible.

You know, the one that denied knowing Jesus at the end of his earthly ministry.
You know, the one who almost refused to let down his net on the other side of the boat because he kinda thought he knew better.
You know, the one who Jesus called Satan at one point in his life.
You know, the one who had a potty mouth.

So, you feel like a failure because you’ve made a mistake or two or 1,456,780?

You feel like a failure because you went back to that thing you said you’d never go back to?
You feel like a failure because the wrecker came and got your car because you haven’t been able to pay for it?
You feel like a failure because you had a marriage that failed?

You aren’t a failure… you’re a perfect candidate to be one of Jesus’ greatest disciples.

What separates a failure from a disciple?

How you respond. How you allow Jesus to move you FORWARD. How you adjust your life so you can be more effective and proficient after the mistake or failure.

It’s true.

Trust me, I know a guy!


[bctt tweet=”You aren’t a failure… you’re a perfect candidate to be one of Jesus’ greatest disciples.” username=”jonathanpearson”]


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