
  • 3 Experiences God Wants You to Have

    The fact that God has mercy on us to keep us alive is amazing enough. The fact that God desires the best for us is the icing on the cake. The way that He works with us to glorify Himself and allow us to experience joy is simply astounding. Here are 3 things that…

  • Sleeping without Living

    Sleeping without Living

    Do we know the win? Do we know the goal? Do we know what success looks like? It’s really easy for us to go through the motions… of life, of ministry. It’s really easy for us to get up every morning, put our clothes on, walk out the door, and get another pay check.…

  • Never Let Apathy Win

    Never Let Apathy Win

    The greatest threat facing the local church isn’t from any outside source, but rather the sheer apathy of those inside the church. I’ve made this statement several times over the last few days. I really believe that churches today are filled with people just going through the motions of church and the Christian life.…

  • 3 Things I Know

    I’m a pretty young dude. In fact, I’ve been called a “young whipper-snapper” recently. I have, however, lived life 23 years. It’s hard to live even that long without learning a few things along the way. So, here are 3 things that I know. I hope you already know them as well! 1. God’s…

  • Come On Now

    Last Friday, I went to get my eyes checked for the first time in… too long! As I was getting fitted for glasses and getting checked out, the lady at the front desk noticed my occupation. She was asking me a little about it and then said something that’s been stirring in me since…

  • Put Up or Shut Up

    Here’s a question that I’ve been asking myself lately… What does it mean to follow Christ? Now, I know that there are some typical answers to this question, but they’ve really become more “church talk” than an actual lifestyle. Here are a few practical examples of what following Christ look like when put into…