Tag: Christian

  • Never Make Them Mad

    I used to try my best to make people happy… Never make anyone mad. Then, I came to my senses and realized… It’ll never happen. At least, if I’m doing what I should be doing. No matter who we look at over the course of history, anyone that did anything significant caused people to get…

  • Feelin Around In The Dark


    in ,

    A few nights ago I had trouble going to sleep. After an hour of tossing and turning, I decided just to get up for a few minutes and try again later. Like every person awake well after their bedtime, I decided I needed something to eat. So, I grabbed the bag of M&M’s on the…

  • If It’s Easy, You’re Doing It Wrong

    As I look through scripture, following God was never easy. There were always obstacles. There was always opposition. It seems that following Jesus often comes too easy for many of us. Little sacrifice. Little push back. Little trust required. The conclusion I’ve come to… We’re doing it wrong. Jesus said in John 16:33 that we…

  • Turning People UPSIDE Down

    The goal of God. The goal of Jesus. The goal of Paul. The goal of Peter. The goal of our early church fathers. The goal of your local church. The goal of you. Is to see old and dead people become new and alive. 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is…

  • 3 Elements to Turn the World UPSIDE Down

    If you missed yesterday’s post and would like to catch it, you can read it here. If we’re going to be people that actually turn the world upside down and make a significant impact, we MUST be willing to do these 3 things… 1. Be with Him. We must be willing to spend time with…

  • A Baby Changes Everything

    I’m not a parent yet, but I’ve heard the stories of how a newborn baby completely changes their parents’ lives as soon as they’re born. The parents’ priorities change, their time schedules change, their budgets change, their focus changes. All of a sudden they have the responsibility of a human life other than their own.…

  • 3 Signs What You Got Ain’t What You Need

    In life, we find ourselves in different kinds of situations. Some of them are exactly what we need at the time. They have life and are straight from God. Others are out of our sweet spot, and drag us down, or aren’t what God has planned. Here are 3 signs what you have ain’t what…

  • You May Be Religious If…

    You May Be Religious If…

    1. You spend more time defending a doctrine than sharing Christ. 2. You confront people about using YouVersion in church. 3. You see church as something you do and go to rather than something you are. 4. You get angrier when you hear a cuss word than when you see someone hurting. 5. You find…

  • Video Blog: Identity Crisis

    Because of our sin, we’re born with a desire to identify ourselves with something/someone. We search for it in a variety of things and people. Until we place our identity in Christ, we’ll never have lasting joy, peace, and assurance. Unfortunately, some never find their true identity and see themselves as Christ sees them… Your…