
  • The Mistake of Misunderstanding

    The Mistake of Misunderstanding

    Living a life of faith doesn’t mean we’ll always be understood. People will doubt us. We will look like fools to a world that mainly chases their own dreams and desires. The key isn’t in getting others to understand, it’s in being faithful anyway. This doesn’t mean we do irrational things and call it…

  • What Do You Need?

    What Do You Need?

    Do you need comfort? He’s got it Do you need love? He is it Do you need patience? He’s got it Do you need peace? He’ll bring it Do you need joy? He’ll supply it Do you need understanding? He’ll give it Do you need wisdom? He’ll deliver it Do you need grace? He’ll…

  • You Can Be A Child, No Matter How Old You Are

    You Can Be A Child, No Matter How Old You Are

    John 1:12-13 (NIV) Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.  We’re adults. We’re supposed to act like one,…

  • My Struggle & A Reminder About Yours

    My Struggle & A Reminder About Yours

    I believe people are valuable. I believe that everyone on planet earth as intricate value. We are created by God and loved dearly by him. I believe in the power of grace. I believe God gives people 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 600th chances. I believe God works in the lives of his people. He…

  • This Defines You

    This Defines You

    Who are you? When you read that question, a bunch of things may go through your mind. Usually, they’re a mixed bag for most of us. Things that describe what we feel is good about us and things that we’d like to see change. The truth is, we really shouldn’t be inclined to answer…

  • What is it, Actually?

    What is it, Actually?

    I’m thankful that God specializes in using things in ways they don’t appear. That he thinks on a greater scale. That his plan is beyond my comprehension. That he does things in ways I’d never dream.