This Defines You

Who are you?

When you read that question, a bunch of things may go through your mind. Usually, they’re a mixed bag for most of us. Things that describe what we feel is good about us and things that we’d like to see change. The truth is, we really shouldn’t be inclined to answer that question with qualities about ourselves anyway.

Who we are goes so much deeper than what we do.

In fact, I would go as far as to say that who you are has nothing to do with what you do but what you do has everything to do with who you are.

As a believer, I start with who I am. What I do flows from who I am.


Who I am doesn’t correspond to what I’ve done.

It’s the greatest message ever, isn’t it? That we don’t have to do anything to gain this wonderful inheritance in eternity or this wonderful identity while here on earth.

You and I, through the grace and rescue of Jesus are children of God. That’s who we are.

John 1:12 But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. 

There you have it, right? That’s who you are.

Let it define you. Let it sink deep into your soul. Meditate on it. Pray on it. Accept it.

You are His. You are a child of the king. You are a daughter or son of the Most High God. You are secure. You are valuable. You are worth it. You are in good standing. You have redemption.

That’s who you are.


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