
  • What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?

    What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?

    It’s a common question. I get asked quite often, something to the effect of, “How do I hear the voice of God?” It’s a common question without an easy answer. I believe God speaks to his people. I think scripture makes this obvious in so many places. God spoke in the days of the…

  • This Defines You

    This Defines You

    Who are you? When you read that question, a bunch of things may go through your mind. Usually, they’re a mixed bag for most of us. Things that describe what we feel is good about us and things that we’d like to see change. The truth is, we really shouldn’t be inclined to answer…

  • What is it, Actually?

    What is it, Actually?

    I’m thankful that God specializes in using things in ways they don’t appear. That he thinks on a greater scale. That his plan is beyond my comprehension. That he does things in ways I’d never dream.

  • The One for Each One

    The One for Each One

    Luke 4:40 At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them. Jesus laid hands on EACH ONE and he healed them. Did you know that Jesus isn’t a “one size fits all” Savior? Jesus doesn’t have a template for how…

  • Don’t Let This Steal Your Peace

    Don’t Let This Steal Your Peace

    p.o.p: PEACE over PACE I’m a hurried man. It’s not that anyone necessarily hurries me along in life, but I often find myself feeling rushed. Sometimes because I have a lot going on. Sometimes because my calendar is tight. Sometimes because I’m running in a lot of different directions. Sometimes, I’m rushed for no…

  • You’re Not Drowning, You’re Rising

    Genesis 7:18 (NIV) The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. It’s the story of Noah’s Ark. It may be the most popular and well known Bible study in the entire 66 books of the Bible. Noah was asked to build a boat…