Hurry vs. Urgency

All of us that are impatient have been there before. You have a list of 10 things to do. You are half way through your list and then you look back at something you’ve already done and realize it was wrong. You overlooked a detail of it and have to go back and fix it. Not only are you not accomplishing more of the stuff on your list, but you’re actually moving backward because you’re having to redo what you’ve already checked off.

That’s hurry.

All of us with passion have been there before. You have something on your mind.You get a new idea. You see someone that needs help. You find a solution. You skip lunch and work around the clock. You go to bed late and get up early because you just feel like it has to get done soon.

That’s urgency.

The difference between hurry and urgency is that hurry is based on priorities and time and urgency is based on passion and conviction.
I spend too much of my life living in a hurry. Unfortunately, sometimes being in that hurry leads to me making mistakes or missing opportunities. My priorities get out of wack and I just want to save time and get it done.
I want to spend more time living with urgency. God has put some great things in me to help others… you too. He’s given me dreams and ideas for my family and ministry. God’s given me goals to accomplish and people to love… He has you too.
They need to get done.
They have to get done.

But as long as I’m living in a hurry, I’ll never get to urgency.

What’s urgent in your life?


One response to “Hurry vs. Urgency”

  1. Miracle Patricks Avatar
    Miracle Patricks

    Thanks for this sir, God bless you for me.

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