The Destiny in the Desperation

Picture this…

A wicked and jealous ruler has come into power. He literally has everyone’s fate in his hands. Since you belong to a certain group of people, you have a bounty on your head. It’s not just you either, but it’s on your unborn child. You know that, even when you do have the baby you’ve carried for 9 months, his life span will be short. As soon as he’s birthed, someone will come and take him away.

So, for 9 months you (or your wife) carry this baby. You feel him move in the womb. However, instead of picking out names and registering at Target, you wait for his impending death.

Only, when he’s born, you get an idea. You’ll hide him for as long as you can. If no one sees and no one hears him, maybe you can hold him for a few months. Maybe you can develop some sort of relationship.

After he’s grown to the point of being unable to hide, you get desperate. Now, it’s almost worse than it was when he was a new born. Now you’ve spent months feeding this baby, bouncing him on your leg, and watching him develop a little personality. However, you know that they’ll find him soon. They’ll get wind that you have him hidden and they’ll take him… maybe you too.

So you get desperate and begin to scramble for an idea… anything. Finally, it hits you that you’ll just put him in a basket, wrap him up, and float him down the river. Maybe, just maybe, someone will see him and he’ll survive.

You know it’s a Hail Mary, but it’s worth a shot.

Sure enough, that’s what Moses’ mom does in Exodus 2…

Exodus 2:1 But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile.

Now, we know the rest of the story, don’t we?

We know that the baby was found by the ruler’s daughter. We know that her heart was moved and she saved baby Moses and even went and got his own mother to nurse him.

What an incredible story of God’s grace!

You see, desperation can lead to a great destiny.

DESPERATION leads to INNOVATION which leads to REVELATION of who God is.

For Moses’ mom, and often for us, we get in a desperate spot and it’s in that desperate spot that we do things that make us uncomfortable or that stretch us. It’s often in that place, though, that God shows us things about him that we’d never see otherwise.

So, are you desperate?

What can you do while in that spot to change and grow? God is working and is waiting to reveal himself and his faithfulness!


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