You Are A Resource

I heard a story about cod a few months ago. (how’s that for a “catchy” opening line?) :-)

Basically (and I’m sure I’m shortening and simplifying this like crazy), cod were at one time a very inexpensive fish. Cod was so inexpensive, in fact, that it was kind of the generic “fish” of the day. It was used in stuff like fish nuggets and fast food sandwiches.

Eventually, though, it became so popular because of its price that it was over farmed and they had to scramble to keep supply up. In the meantime, cod became somewhat of a delicacy because it was used up so much.

Cod started out widely available but quickly became scarce.

What isn’t seen as valuable can become overused.

I know that sounds odd, but it’s true. When we see something as invaluable, we have a tendency to use it more. I wear my cheaper shoes more because I’m more comfortable with them in more environments and weather than I am my more expensive shoes. I end up wearing them even though they aren’t my best.

You are a resource.

If you continue to think of yourself as a cheap one or an invaluable one, you’ll eventually become a tired and scarce one. You’ll do everything (or try to) and end up with nothing left in the tank.

I see this with young leaders a lot.

They’re trying to prove their value and they run themselves to exhaustion trying to do so – they are a cheap resource until they’re burnt out from trying to be all things. I know some leaders that are in their early 30’s and are genuinely burnt out.

Don’t become overused and a scarce resource.

We have to guard our time or our time will run out…
our energy will run out
our passion will run out.

Guard yourself from trying to do it all and lean in to what you’re truly gifted at and meant to do.

Guard your…

or you may become over farmed and burned out.

You are a resource. Think of yourself as such.


[bctt tweet=”Guard yourself from trying to do it all and lean in to what you’re truly gifted at and meant to do.” username=”jonathanpearson”]

[bctt tweet=”What isn’t seen as valuable can become overused. You are a resource.” username=”jonathanpearson”]


One response to “You Are A Resource”

  1. Thanks for sharing. Very profound

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