How to Consistently Create Great Content

Every week I create a lot of content. On any given week I…

  • Preach
  • Blog
  • Write
  • Guest Blog
  • Tweet
  • Post to Instagram
  • Record podcasts
  • Do interviews
  • Manage social media networks
  • Manage other blogs

That’s a lot to keep up with!

One of the questions I often get is, “How do you create all of the content? How do you stay on top of it?”

The truth is, sometimes there are brain blocks and I have trouble, but most of the time it’s not that difficult… at least the content I create.

I don’t know too many leaders or people on social media these days that aren’t creating some kind of content. Whether you’re preparing a sermon, a Sunday school lesson, or even just posting a note to Facebook, you are creating something each time.

Here’s the secret to continuously coming up with new and good stuff…

Live. Try. Grow.

As we go through life,
As we stumble,
As we seek God,
As we do life with others,
As we go to work,
As we deal with our kids,
we’re getting content…we’re learning and growing.

Just take that and use it for your target audience. Be real with the people you speak or write to. Be real about your life.

Create genuine and solid content.

Life will do most of the talking.
Just listen.

2 responses to “How to Consistently Create Great Content”

  1. Brian Alexander Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar

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