Are Pastors Really Full Of It?

I was blind-sided by this tweet a week or two ago.

The tweet came out of nowhere and was sent from someone I haven’t had any previous interaction with on twitter. I had just started following them the day before.

What concerns me?

It’s not that this was sent to me or that I took it personally…
I certainly didn’t.

It’s that this person has formed an opinion from past experiences.

From his past experiences and his interactions with pastors and those that the pastors lead, he’s thought that they were full of ‘it.’ He hasn’t seen anything in them to indicate that he needs to listen or even respect them.

I would say (from the other things I’ve seen from this person) that he thinks this of all believers.

Why? because he can’t see how what they believe is relvant to their life… it’s all just a bunch of hogwash.

Faith lived out changes this opinion.

This person, being impacted and accepted by people that live out their faith is all that will ever turn this opinon around.

So, it makes me ask myself a question…
it should probably make us all ask ourselves a question.

Are we contributing to these types of opinon?


Are we helping turn them around?

What will I be doing today?

What do you think? Do you think this is a popular opinion? How do we change this? 

17 responses to “Are Pastors Really Full Of It?”

  1. John Bates Avatar
    John Bates
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  2. Ben Lloyd Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  3. Regina Holliday Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  4. Ashley Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. Donte Johnson Avatar
    Donte Johnson
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  6. Sandy Sandmeyer Avatar
  7. Michael Holmes Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  8. Sean Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  9. rojelio terrones Avatar
    rojelio terrones

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