The Struggle for God

It seems like I’m the only one that deals with it…

I’m a pastor…

I preach.
I do funerals.
I do weddings.
I visit hospitals.
I have a good grasp of scripture.
I pray for people.
I fight the Enemy daily.

But I still struggle to find God some days.
I still struggle to see His hand in mine. 

Maybe I’m alone in the struggle.
Maybe other people have miraculous encounters every day and feel and notice His presence every second of every day.
Maybe other people have a better connection.
Maybe other people try even harder.

Or, maybe there are other people in my same boat.

Some days, I get up and have a great time with God. It’s obvious he’s with me.
He speaks to me in a real way.
I leave rejuvenated, changed, joyful, and motivated.

But other times…

I spend time with him and he doesn’t seem to show up.
I hurry to get through the time because I feel so lost.

Sometimes, the struggle for God seems desperate and hardly worth it.
After all, He would never disown me.
Maybe it’s not worth the struggle to grow in him.

But sometimes, He comes to me and makes me KNOW that it is worth the struggle.
Occasionally, it makes sense that I have to struggle because, when I do see His glory, it changes things…

It changes me.

If you’re in a struggle for God, know that He’s as present as He has ever been.

Just keep struggling.
A glimpse of your Creator is worth it!

Do you find yourself there today? Have any encouragement for those that are? Let’s talk about it in the comments.

[Need more encouragement? I wrote 4 reasons you shouldn’t quit here.]

13 responses to “The Struggle for God”

  1. Bob Balkcom Avatar
    Bob Balkcom
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  2. Amy Nabors Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  3. Caroline S Avatar
  4. Heretic Husband Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. Julie (@InciteFaith) Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  6. Sandy Sandmeyer Avatar
  7. Brandon Cox Avatar
  8. Christie Collins Avatar
    Christie Collins

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