Stop Saying “It’s Awesome”


There’s an epidemic of sorts.

No, it’s not a virus that’s spreading the globe,
or some bad action that everyone’s started doing.

Instead, it’s the epidemic of the word “Awesome.”

Everywhere I go,
everything I read,
every conversation I participate in,

something’s always ‘Awesome.”

Or at least they say it is.

So the result is an overused word with unappreciated meaning.

Stop using the word “awesome” for things that would never even make anyone look twice, much less stop in awe.

(Of course, I don’t really care if you say the word “Awesome” :-), just something I’ve noticed)

Thoughts? What words do you know of that have been overused?

42 responses to “Stop Saying “It’s Awesome””

  1. joann Avatar
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    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  3. Thomas Mason Avatar
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    1. Kathy Fannon Avatar
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  5. Eileen Avatar
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      1. bill (cycleguy) Avatar
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    Debbie Mast
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  9. April Avatar
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  10. TMZ Avatar
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