Beauty From Distress

Why do leaves change colors in the fall?

Well, to summarize, it’s because the shorter days and smaller amounts of sunshine force the plants to begin storing food in itself for winter. In short, the trees begin to realize that they’re only weeks away from dying if they don’t do something.

It’s really just a coping mechanism.

But amidst the panic and distress of the autumn trees, God brings about beauty.

In the midst of the plants scurry for food and their lack of photosynthesis (a big word I learned about in science class), there comes about something beautiful that you and I get to enjoy year after year.

What if…

  • What you’re going through right now is meant to end in something beautiful?
  • Your surroundings are preparing you for a bounty?
  • Your worry is gonna result in God’s perfect work?
  • Your distressed now because the beauty is not far?

Hang in there.

God has a way of bringing about beauty from distress.

In nature.
In me.
In you.

How have you seen God do beautiful things through tough processes?

17 responses to “Beauty From Distress”

  1. Jason Vana Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  2. Ja Cook Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  3. April Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  4. Jon Stolpe Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. Jason Gangwish Avatar
  6. Eileen Avatar
  7. LarryTheDeuce Avatar
  8. tam Avatar
  9. Brandon Avatar

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