3 Things You Don’t Wanna Live Without


Well sure, you can technically ‘live’ without a purpose, but it’s not going to be one worth while. Purpose is the thing that chains us to our greatest source of life… Jesus. When our purpose comes from a place of helping others know him, it changes our life. Without a purpose, life becomes mundane, all about us, and really empty. Don’t live without purpose. Find yours. Sell out to it!


Passion drives the purpose. Passion is that thing inside of all of us that says, “You HAVE to do this, it’s part of you.” If you’re living without a passion for a purpose, you aren’t really living at all. You’re walking through life. You don’t have fun, you don’t have joy, and you don’t have Jesus… He’s our ultimate passion.


In the midst of all the excitement, you need poise. Poise is the thing that says my purpose MUST be fulfilled through my passion, but ultimately I trust God to do it all through me. I’m going to be patient with people because I’ve had people be so patient with me. Sure, you can move and breathe without poise, but you’re just wearing yourself out.

Your turn, what shouldn’t we live with out? (No, it doesn’t have to begin with a ‘p’)

30 responses to “3 Things You Don’t Wanna Live Without”

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