You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear.” – Lamentations 3:57
What other situations do we need to remember… “Do Not Fear?”
Well, being raised in Kansas and now living in South Carolina, I would add…
When powerful storms you cannot control, swirl winds and toss water around you…DO NOT FEAR.
Excellent post, Jonathan! Thanks for sharing. Happy Thursday! :)
ha! That’s a great one!
I’m gonna keep this posted up by my computer at work, Jonathan. It’s always good to have the reminder. Happy Thursday!
Glad it spoke, Sandy. Have a great Thursday and weekend!
Nicely said.
Thanks, Rob!
Well, apparently, FEAR is the subject/lesson for the day. Prayed with my son this morning about his fear and also blogged about it. Okay God, I get it! :)
haha… Glad I could help. :)
When wickedness prospers…do not fear. When life seems unsustainable…do not fear.
Great encouragment today, thank you.
Both of those are great and so true!
When everything falls apart…do not fear.
Love this JP!
AMEN! Thanks, jason.
I think I would add, do not fear what others might think of you. Many times people are concerned of what the relatives are going to think or their friends. And, this fear can stop us from doing what we want or know that we should do.
Think this holds more people back than are willing to admit it. Great addition, Ron!
Do not fear when God tests you!
Amen, Phil
It’s beautiful. Something worth printing, framing and put up on a wall as a reminder that we should not fear anything. Thanks for this wonderful work.
You’re welcome, Sheila. Thanks for stopping by!
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