Snapshots & Perspective

We often see life in snapshots.

Since we don’t know the details of the future, we see the present and the past.

As we look at the past, we often see a snapshot of the positive.

  • We remember how in the ‘good ole days’ we did this or that.
  • We remember how great things were where we used to live.
  • We think about our current job and remember when things were simpler.
  • We remember how much fun we ‘used to have’.

In the present, we often look at the pain.

  • That little bump in the road today seems like it will never be a thing of yesterday.
  • The financial situation we find ourselves in today seems like it could be the end of the world… the end of our world.
  • The rebellious acts of our children seem like too heavy of a burden on our shoulders.
  • That breakup seems like it may end our dating life forever.
  • That test seems like a mountain in front of our degree.

The pain of the present will eventually fade away.

Those problems will seem so small compared to the joys we get to experience day in and day out…
even today.

Look at the snapshot of the positive.

See the mountain in front of you, but notice the sun rising in the distance.
Feel the pain inside, but see the beauty around.

What snapshot are you holding today?

Please note: I realize that this doesn’t apply to everyone. There are people (most people) with real past hurts and real present pain. I’m not discounting that. For many of us though, changing our perspective can go a long way in changing our snapshot of the present.

16 responses to “Snapshots & Perspective”

  1. Ja Cook Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  2. Stephanie S. Smith Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  3. ThatGuyKC Avatar
  4. Brandon Avatar
    1. Nikki Eidson Avatar
      1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
    2. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. kathyfannon Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
      1. kathyfannon Avatar
  6. Jason Vana Avatar

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