You’re Not All That

I’m often surprised when I talk with someone or get replies on twitter about my honesty when I admit I struggle with a certain area of Christianity.

I guess people think because I work at a church or have the word ‘pastor’ in my title that I don’t struggle everyday with the same things everyone else does.
Or, maybe they’re more surprised with my willingness to admit that I don’t have it all together.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Christ, I just struggle sometimes…

  • I’m impatient
  • I struggle with faith
  • I try to make things happen my way instead of relying on God
  • I go through dry periods in my relationship with God

To be honest, I think more people should admit their weakness.

I think more church leaders should admit it.

It’s in admitting it that they can begin to deal with it.
It’s in admitting it that people begin to feel a connection with someone that’s a lot like them.

Dont act like you have it all together.
You don’t.
I don’t.

Admit it father.
Admit it pastor.
Admit it student.
Admit it church leader.
Admit it mom.

It may help someone else too.

19 responses to “You’re Not All That”

  1. Eileen Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  2. bill (cycleguy) Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  3. Nikki Eidson Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  4. Sandy Sandmeyer Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. evie Avatar
  6. Melissa Pearson Avatar
    Melissa Pearson
  7. Pat Thomas Avatar
    Pat Thomas
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  8. Jason Vana Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  9. Kyle Reed Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  10. Thoms Avatar

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