Looking Forward

With Melissa changing jobs soon, she has a couple of days between her last day at her current job and her first day at her new job.
We’re using that time to get away for a few days and spend some time catching a Braves game, shopping, and relaxing.

It’s amazing how much better the day to day grind is when you have something to look forward to.


Just one question…

What are you looking forward to?

17 responses to “Looking Forward”

  1. Justice Wordlaw IV Avatar
  2. Eileen Avatar
  3. @jonsothin Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  4. evie Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. Mom Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  6. Adam Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  7. April Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  8. Melissa Pearson Avatar
    Melissa Pearson
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  9. Sandy Sandmeyer Avatar

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