Church Diversity

I have a huge heart for diversity and unity in the body. It’s so sad to think about the fact that even after the advances society has made, the church is still largely segregated.

Being a pastor at a church that is truly multi-ethnic, I can speak to the fact that there’s something special when people of all races  come together for worship. It’s truly a picture of heaven.

That’s why I love the work that @ScottWilliams is doing with his new book Church Diversity. It’s truly a call for the church to come together.

Church Diversity is more than a book it’s a movement of God, pastors, ministry leaders, volunteers, congregants, and the community. It’s about the Church changing its perspective to become part of a culture-changing and world-changing movement. A new and different future begins with the turning of these pages, taking this journey, and speaking the truth in this vital conversation.

Here’s a quick video of what the book is all about…

You can win a copy of this book by doing this…

Comment on this post telling me why you want it or if you’ll read it.
AND if you don’t mind,
Tweet (or Facebook) this :: Check out @JonathanPearson’s post on Church Diversity by @ScottWilliams!

I will choose 2 winners via and email them a link to get info.

Whether you win or not, be sure to check out this book and Scott’s blog.


This giveaway has ended. Congrats to Marielle and Dean for winning! Thanks for reading!

22 responses to “Church Diversity”

  1. @jonsothin Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  2. Ben Reed Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  3. Marielle Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  4. Dean Deguara Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. Adam Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  6. Jason Vana Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  7. Ryan Tate Avatar
  8. Dustin Bates Avatar
  9. ThatGuyKC Avatar
  10. Chris Avatar
  11. Joanna Avatar
  12. Mike Rowell Avatar
  13. Sandy Sandmeyer Avatar
  14. Karen Avatar

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