Your Past Has Passed


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Most people I know are really good at looking into the past.

Seeing what’s happened in their life,
seeing what they’ve accomplished,
seeing how they’ve failed,
remembering past experiences.

While it’s definitely never wrong for us to look in the past to celebrate what’s happened and thank God for His faithfulness, I’ve noticed something…

It’s kinda rare that we look into the past and just look on the good stuff.

We often drift to past hurts,
past sins,
past mistakes,
past failures.

So, while we’re busy dwelling on the negative of the past, we often miss the opportunities of the present.

It’s important for us to keep moving forward,
to keep looking to the future and living for all that today is worth.

Don’t miss out on the hope of the future because of the horror of the past.


19 responses to “Your Past Has Passed”

  1. A good reminder, Jonathan!

  2. You know, sometimes I feel like I’m the king of dwelling in the past. I’ve learned over the years that mindset is crippling. It holds back; it makes excuses. I, for one, want to seize the present and have a forward-thinking attitude.

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ja Cook, Lynn Soss, Jonathan Pearson, Sandy Sandmeyer, Jonathan Pearson and others. Jonathan Pearson said: Blogged:: Your Past Has Passed […]

  4. Your last line captures it beautifully. God give us the grace to look forward and not behind.

  5. Great post. Short, to the point, and something we need to hear from time to time. I struggle with this kind of thing, and I tend to dwell and beat myself up over my mistakes and failures. I’ve gotten a lot better at it with God’s help thankfully and can handle things better, but it’s difficult at times.

  6. It’s funny how, as you get older you phase out of the looking at your past failures/regrets, and celebrating the joys. I noticed that big time with my grandfather before he passed. Learned a lot from that.

    1. Hoping we all get their soon!

  7. Great post. Timely as I am speaking to our students about failing forward. We encourage our students at Teen Challenge that their past doesn’t determine their future. Learn from your failures. Thanks again.

    1. Thanks for reading Sean!

  8. It’s there. It happened. Move along.
    Good words.

  9. Great reminder Jonathan!

    1. Moving forward with Christ!!! Amen!!!

  10. Gosh, you’re so right. I think it’s important to view our past failures and screw ups like God does… He gives no thought to them. I can relate to this because for years I lived with the weight of my sin because of the guilt I felt. When we leave our sin at the cross, guilt is something that’s completely self-inflicted and something that’s used to hinder us from moving forward.

  11. So true…Great post!

  12. Beautifully said. Thank you.

  13. True grit. I just can’t help but the past would sometimes nag be down. Thank’s for the words.

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