Snow Day. No Way.

Yesterday, a snow storm hit the south east.

Here in Orangeburg, we didn’t get the worst of it, but we did get enough.
Yesterday afternoon, Melissa and I began to get a little stir crazy and talked about getting out of the house.
While we were trying to decide if we wanted to brave the weather (we don’t get snow often enough to fully know how to handle it), I mentioned to her that it’s crazy that something that looks so pretty can be so dangerous.

Later, I thought about how true that is in other parts of  life as well…

  • We like what we see in others, so we try to be just like them instead of being who God called US to be.
  • We see what someone else has and think we need to have it too, so we go into more and more debt to get it.
  • That sin looks so tempting, but has great consequences down the road.
  • We can blame others for what we should take responsibility for, but we ultimately made the decision and pulled the trigger on the plan.

Sometimes, things may look really good in appearance, but have dangerous consequences.

Sure, we can choose to ignore the consequences and chase after the attraction, but it may do SERIOUS damage to us and those around us.

Choose wisely.

12 responses to “Snow Day. No Way.”

  1. Heather Joy Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  2. Sandy Sandmeyer Avatar
  3. Jason Vana Avatar
  4. Michael Avatar
  5. Elena Haupricht Avatar
    Elena Haupricht
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  6. jay sauser Avatar
  7. Jeremy Chandler Avatar
    Jeremy Chandler
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar

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