6 Surefire Ways to Accomplish Nothing

We all want our life to count.

For Christians, we want to accomplish the purpose that God has for us.

Here are 6 ways to be sure you accomplish nothing…

1. Focus on what others are doing wrong. This will keep you from seeing what you’re doing wrong. You’ll always know how other people should fix themselves, but never improve yourself.

2. See the worst in every situation. Always think about how things could go wrong. Always assume that the worst possible scenario will be played out in every part of your life.

3. Build relationships to further yourself. Never love people just because, always have a hidden agenda. This way, people will always be suspicious of you.

4. Find someone who is successful and criticize anything you can. This way, you are never sharing in another’s success. You’re always focusing on someone else and hopefully tearing them down.

5. Think that everyone is out to get you. That’s right, always be looking over your shoulder. This way, you never fully trust anyone and you never allow anyone to get close enough to you to possibly improve, encourage, or teach you.

6. Always believe you can do it yourself. Never seek God and see what He desires for you. That way, you never have to do anything uncomfortable or that requires a step of faith. Never partner with anyone either. If you accomplish something, you’ll only have to share the credit.

What have you found in your own life that gets in the way of accomplishing something significant?

13 responses to “6 Surefire Ways to Accomplish Nothing”

  1. Michael Avatar
  2. Jay Cookingham Avatar
  3. Sandy Sandmeyer Avatar
  4. Adam Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  5. Dusty Rayburn Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  6. Shirley Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  7. Dena Dyer Avatar

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