Over-Complicating Simplicity

It seems to be a trend in today’s culture…

To over-complicate everything.

Some things aren’t supposed to be complicated…

Like: government policies, law, math, and insurance. :-)

I think we often over-complicate Christianity.

We focus on theological terms and denominational stances.
We focus on systems and programs.
We focus on things beyond our control.

While I never fault anyone for wanting to understand their faith,
I do wonder if sometimes, our tendency to analyze prohibits our ability to trust.

Jesus is about relationship.
It really is that simple.

His love for you.
His love for me.
Our love for Him.
His free gift of grace.
Our willingness to live in that grace.

That’s really about it…

Your opinion: Do we often over-complicate it?

12 responses to “Over-Complicating Simplicity”

  1. Sandra Hendricks Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  2. Michael Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  3. Shawn Avatar
  4. Darrell Childress Avatar
    Darrell Childress
  5. Stacy Avatar
  6. Norm Avatar
    1. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
  7. Debbie Girardot Avatar
    Debbie Girardot
  8. Coenraad Avatar
  9. Eileen Avatar

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