Maybe the Church Isn’t for You

The world often operates by transactions.
Most of the time, in order to get something, we must first give.
Or in order to give something, we must first get.
  • In order to make money, we must first work.
  • In order to get food, we must first pay.
  • In order to buy a flat screen TV (I’m accepting donations :), we must first pay.
  • In order to buy someone else a birthday present, they must give us one.
  • In order help someone else, we must remember a time they’ve helped us.
The Church doesn’t work like most things in the world.
The sad part is, a lot of people think it does.
  • In order to give my money, I must have the ability to decide.
  • In order to serve, I must be served.
  • In order to attend, I must be fed.
The problem with this mentality: It isn’t the selfless life Christ called us to, it’s the selfish life we’ve come to.
God’s desire for the Church is that we serve the world while carrying His message to it.
God’s desire for the Church is that we serve each other without making it about transaction.
God’s desire for the Church is that we reach the lost.
God never desired the Church to be…
  • A place to always receive.
  • A place to please our ears.
  • A place to raise our kids for us.
  • A babysitting service.
  • A social club to boost our social status.
  • A place for us to exercise our authority.
I’m off base here.
So many people have adopted these attitudes, maybe I’m missing something.
It’s just that, what I believe God’s desire for the Church is seems much more in the character of Him than the idea many have adopted.
Am I wrong?

12 responses to “Maybe the Church Isn’t for You”

  1. Jonathan Avatar
  2. Denise Miller Holmes Avatar
    Denise Miller Holmes
  3. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
    Jonathan Pearson
  4. Colleen Foshee Avatar
    Colleen Foshee
  5. Michael Reid Avatar
    Michael Reid
  6. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
    Jonathan Pearson
  7. Shawn Avatar
  8. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
    Jonathan Pearson
  9. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
    Jonathan Pearson
  10. Kevin Shorter Avatar
    Kevin Shorter
  11. Jonathan Pearson Avatar
    Jonathan Pearson
  12. Nicole Avatar

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