Proverbs = Pro-Verb


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I love the book of Proverbs.

I read portions of it consistently even when I’m working from another reading plan. It has such short nuggets of wisdom that, when applied, I truly believe works in everyday life. It really does make a difference in anyone’s life. They are just solid, wise, and practical.

The thing about the book of Proverbs, like any other book of the Bible is that it has to be applied.

In today’s world, it seems we’re really good at commenting on things without ever committing to do anything.

We are very “pro” talk, but not “pro” action.

How does a family line change? By someone doing something about it
How do cities change? By someone doing something to get it started
How do leaders change the organizations they serve? By doing something different.

If we’re going to change, we have to be pro action and pro verb (see what I did there?).

We see this throughout history. The people that we celebrate in the past aren’t the people that sat around a table and talked about making changes or pushing the envelope to accomplish something great, they are the ones that did something about it.

So, what are you DOING with what you know? Are you making more comments instead of committing to do something?

Be Pro-verb!

[bctt tweet=”In today’s world, it seems we’re really good at commenting on things without ever committing to do anything.” username=”jonathanpearson”]


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