
  • The Wishbone Principle

    It happens to all of us from time to time. Some may see it as what it is, others may be a little more naive. It may be the work of the enemy, it may be the work of the flesh. It’s that thing that tries it’s best to pull us from God. I’ve…

  • Using People or Loving People

    No matter what we’re leading… A church A family An organization A business A classroom An office Loving people is always more effective long term than using people. Sure, it’s easy to manipulate and convince people to move in a certain direction or do a certain thing the way you want it done… for…

  • Leaders Lead

    Leaders…Lead. Leaders are followed. Leaders make decisions. Leaders demonstrate the right way. Leaders step out first. Leaders dare to be different. Leaders set themselves apart. Leaders aren’t afraid of crunch time. Leaders don’t follow the crowd. Leaders don’t always choose easy. Leaders choose right over popular. Leaders are willing to invest in people. It…

  • The Campfire Principle: Ministry

    I’m not really much of an outdoorsman, but I have sat around a campfire enough to know that, if you don’t make an effort to keep a campfire going, it eventually dies out. With a campfire, you have to consistently add wood and stoke the fire to keep it burning. I think the same…

  • Wimps Accomplish Nothing!

    I read a post by Seth Godin the other day that hit me like a ton of bricks. Here’s the part that left me thinking… Or consider the way we resist opportunities to lead, to connect, to do work that matters. We don’t resist because we’re not capable of it… we resist because if…

  • Texting Is The New Talking

    Texting wasn’t even around just a few years ago. A few days ago, I read this article from Yahoo saying that 1/3 of teens with a cell phone send more than 100 texts a day! For me, one that deals with teens on a daily basis, this is important information. It tells me that…