
  • The Rocky Path

    When I was still living at home, my parents decided to remodel their kitchen. They decided that they really liked tile floors and called the tile man. I still remember how careful the tile guy was to be sure that he was laying the tile on a smooth surface. Every few minutes, I’d see…

  • Dear Church. A Letter From the Searching

    Dear Church. A Letter From the Searching

    Dear Church, I write to you because I’m searching. I’m searching for something that I’m not sure can be found. I’m not sure what it looks like, what it feels like, or where to find it. I know it’s missing, and I need your help. I know there has to be more. There has…

  • Know Your Market

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed or if it’s necessarily the case where you live, but where I live, Dollar General stores have popped up everywhere. Anytime I ride by one or reluctantly walk in one :), I can’t help but notice how they all seem to have a booming business. The reason? In…

  • You’re Not Excused

    It seems we live in a world that loves to make excuses. We make excuses for everything. Instead of taking responsibility for our own actions, we pass the blame off on someone else. Instead of confessing to a mess up, we make up a reason things went wrong. WRONG! We have to take responsibility…

  • 6 Leadership Lessons From Acts 9

    I was reading through Acts a few days ago and came to Acts 9. We often view this chapter as the conversion of Saul, but it has a lot more than just one event. Here are some leadership lessons I jotted down as I was reading… 1. Significant impact is often made by ordinary…

  • Get In The Boat

    Genesis 7:1 The LORD then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. As I was reading through the story Noah a few days ago, I had this thought… What if Noah, after all that he had done, all the steps…