How many of us can honestly say that we always know what we’re doing? A while back, I thought about the fact that I often have little clue about what I’m doing or how to accomplish what I want accomplished. I often have to “wing it” in my everyday life because I tread new…
Like a lot of people, when the specs for the iPad 2 were unveiled a few days ago, I found myself saying, “I want one!” Apparently even the iPad’s competitor thought the same thing… “Apple made it very thin (…) We will have to improve the parts that are inadequate,” Lee Don-Joo told Yonhap…
It’s always been an often asked question… “What’s God’s will for my life?” In other words, the question is really this.. “What’s God’s specific plan for my life?” “What am I here for?” The question is a solid and valid question, but the answers we often come up with are less valid. People answer…
It seems like many in the church have become disconnected to the outside world. That we’ve forgotten that people still have real hurts, real struggles, and need real love. Sometimes, I wonder if this isn’t how we (me included) come across to a hurting and largely unsaved world. Sometimes, I wonder if this isn’t…