Tag: Leadership

  • Young Leader: Tweets


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    If you follow me on twitter, you may have noticed that I’ve posted random tweets to young leaders. While I am NOT an expert, I do think that being young and leading is one of the hardest things to do. It’s often a calling to lead those older, more experienced, and even smarter than we…

  • Using People or Loving People


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    No matter what we’re leading… A church A family An organization A business A classroom An office Loving people is always more effective long term than using people. Sure, it’s easy to manipulate and convince people to move in a certain direction or do a certain thing the way you want it done… for a…

  • 2 Elementary Leadership Principles


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    I’m pretty young. I don’t have a ton of experience behind me. I haven’t been through all the wars yet. BUT, I have been through some. Some really tough ones. Here are 2 leadership principles that are really kind of elementary, but that we often forget. 1. The People Matter. There are no exceptions. When…

  • Leaders Lead

    Leaders…Lead. Leaders are followed. Leaders make decisions. Leaders demonstrate the right way. Leaders step out first. Leaders dare to be different. Leaders set themselves apart. Leaders aren’t afraid of crunch time. Leaders don’t follow the crowd. Leaders don’t always choose easy. Leaders choose right over popular. Leaders are willing to invest in people. It sounds…

  • The Campfire Principle: Ministry

    I’m not really much of an outdoorsman, but I have sat around a campfire enough to know that, if you don’t make an effort to keep a campfire going, it eventually dies out. With a campfire, you have to consistently add wood and stoke the fire to keep it burning. I think the same principle…

  • Wimps Accomplish Nothing!

    I read a post by Seth Godin the other day that hit me like a ton of bricks. Here’s the part that left me thinking… Or consider the way we resist opportunities to lead, to connect, to do work that matters. We don’t resist because we’re not capable of it… we resist because if our…

  • Put Up or Shut Up


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    Here’s a question that I’ve been asking myself lately… What does it mean to follow Christ? Now, I know that there are some typical answers to this question, but they’ve really become more “church talk” than an actual lifestyle. Here are a few practical examples of what following Christ look like when put into action……

  • We Can’t Do That

    One of the things I find difficult… One of the things that seems to be difficult for others… Admitting when we’re wrong. It’s not the cool thing to do. We all make mistakes. I’m pretty sure we all realize that we do make mistakes. But, It’s hard to admit when we do. It’s hard for…

  • The Sun Never Burns Out

    A commonly heard scripture that God shed new “light” on lately in me… Matthew 5:14-16 You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in…

  • Struggle with Them

    Struggles… Everyone has them. Some people deny them. Some people accept them. Some people battle them. Some people never lose them. Some people overcome them. Some people are open about them. Some people are private with them. No matter what category you fall under, you struggle with them. The only way to overcome them is…