Tag: google

  • 3 Life Lessons From Angry Birds

    1. If you really believe in something, you’ll give your life to see it accomplished. For those of you that have never played Angry Birds (where ya been?), the goal of the game is to shoot birds out of a sling shot and kill pigs that have buried themselves under random structures. The premise behind…

  • The Rocky Path


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    When I was still living at home, my parents decided to remodel their kitchen. They decided that they really liked tile floors and called the tile man. I still remember how careful the tile guy was to be sure that he was laying the tile on a smooth surface. Every few minutes, I’d see him…

  • Dear Church. A Letter From the Searching

    Dear Church. A Letter From the Searching

    Dear Church, I write to you because I’m searching. I’m searching for something that I’m not sure can be found. I’m not sure what it looks like, what it feels like, or where to find it. I know it’s missing, and I need your help. I know there has to be more. There has to…

  • What They Say About Assuming

    This is commercial makes me laugh every time I see it. I think this also happens to me sometimes… I think I know something or I assume that someone is a certain way and I totally miss the boat. Sometimes all I can do is swallow my pride and ask forgiveness. (I don’t usually throw…

  • Know Your Market

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed or if it’s necessarily the case where you live, but where I live, Dollar General stores have popped up everywhere. Anytime I ride by one or reluctantly walk in one :), I can’t help but notice how they all seem to have a booming business. The reason? In my…

  • What The…?!

    How many of us can honestly say that we always know what we’re doing? A while back, I thought about the fact that I often have little clue about what I’m doing or how to accomplish what I want accomplished. I often have to “wing it” in my everyday life because I tread new ground…

  • When God Gets Lost


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    I know this probably isn’t the most perfectly “spiritual” question to ask, but does God ever seem lost to you? When you need Him most, does that ever become the time that He seems the furthest away? For me, sometimes it seems as if I think I’m doing everything right. (as if I could earn…

  • Which Came First? Chicken or Egg?

    The common question is what came first, the chicken or the egg. I lean toward the chicken since God created it, but that’s not the point of this post. The point? As Christians we have to know what comes first… Jesus or getting our actions right. A lot of Christians want the egg before they…

  • My Confession… & Yours


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    We all have at least one. We rarely talk about them. We spend the majority of our time trying to hide them from others that have the same one. Insecurities. What I’m insecure about may not be what you’re insecure about. What I’m insecure about in myself may never be noticed by you. But we…

  • How to Keep Your Secret A Secret


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    Rumored to be guarded 24 hours a day in a vault, the official Coca-Cola recipe has been one of the most closely kept trade secrets since the popular soft drink was concocted by medicinal chemist John Pemberton in 1886. Read more I don’t really know if Coke’s recipe has been found or if what they found…