Tag: Church

  • What AOL Does Better Than Churches

    I came across this a few days ago. I haven’t gotten an invite, so I’m not exactly sure what it’s going to look like or what it’s going to offer. I do know, though, that it looks like AOL is making an effort to re-emerge as a relevant tool. I think a lot of churches…

  • Using People or Loving People


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    No matter what we’re leading… A church A family An organization A business A classroom An office Loving people is always more effective long term than using people. Sure, it’s easy to manipulate and convince people to move in a certain direction or do a certain thing the way you want it done… for a…

  • 4 Reasons the Church is Still Alive

    1. Her groom. The Church was the one organization that Jesus founded during His 33 years on earth. He set it up to triumph. He set it up to be effective until His Father returned to take us home. The bride will always be alive because Her groom will sustain Her! 2. Her purpose. The…

  • Why Don’t We Do Something?

    Stories like this one from Time Magazine trouble me. Not just because someone committed suicide over the actions of others, but because no one seems to do anything about it. Instead, we choose to picket abortion clinics and boycott Disney. I wonder…. What would have happened had this child realized his value in Christ? What…

  • Spiritual Anorexia


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    For as long as I can remember, I’ve battled a weight problem. As a 10 year old boy, I can remember knowing that I wasn’t happy with the way I looked and felt. In fact, I can distinctly remember thinking time and time again as I looked in the mirror, “I don’t feel like a…

  • Leaders Lead

    Leaders…Lead. Leaders are followed. Leaders make decisions. Leaders demonstrate the right way. Leaders step out first. Leaders dare to be different. Leaders set themselves apart. Leaders aren’t afraid of crunch time. Leaders don’t follow the crowd. Leaders don’t always choose easy. Leaders choose right over popular. Leaders are willing to invest in people. It sounds…

  • The Campfire Principle: Ministry

    I’m not really much of an outdoorsman, but I have sat around a campfire enough to know that, if you don’t make an effort to keep a campfire going, it eventually dies out. With a campfire, you have to consistently add wood and stoke the fire to keep it burning. I think the same principle…

  • What Christians Can Learn From Animals

    This video has been around a while. Many of you have probably seen it. But, for those that haven’t, you really need to! Seriously, why can’t humans do this? Better yet, why can’t CHRISTIANS do this? Instead, we let the color of our skin seperate our worship services. Instead, we let a small issues of…

  • The Power of the Moment

    Don’t under-estimate the power of one single moment. One moment you spend with someone that’s hurting. One second in a conversation that you have. One sentence in a sermon you speak. One moment in time, has the potential to change lives. Don’t miss the opportunity contained in a moment as you… Spend a few minutes…