Leadership is about priority, not position. No matter what we’re leading, it’s important that we lead because it’s a priority to us, not simply because we’ve been placed in a position to do so. The truth is, everyone can work their way into some type of leadership POSITION. Whether it be leading a family,…
I was reading through Acts a few days ago and came to Acts 9. We often view this chapter as the conversion of Saul, but it has a lot more than just one event. Here are some leadership lessons I jotted down as I was reading… 1. Significant impact is often made by ordinary…
If something’s worth buying into, it’s worth bringing others along for the ride. Some of the greatest salesmen are people that were once a customer of their company. The ones that were so thrilled with what they bought that they ended up selling it. Not only are they happy customers, they’re happy salesmen. No…