Tag: christ

  • Is ‘Impossible’ An Impossible Possibility?


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    Impossible We hear that all kind of things are impossible to accomplish. When we have something placed in front of us that seems really difficult, we often refer to it as being impossible. BUT, Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.” SO…. Impossible A reality? OR An excuse? Do…

  • Do We Over-Celebrate the Cross?

    Do We Over-Celebrate the Cross?

    A few nights ago, I was laying in bed and trying to go to sleep by doing a little reading. I was reading Greg Gilbert’s “What is the Gospel?” when I came across this… If Christ had remained dead like any other “savior” or “teacher” or “prophet,” his death would have meant nothing more than…

  • 3 Experiences God Wants You to Have

    The fact that God has mercy on us to keep us alive is amazing enough. The fact that God desires the best for us is the icing on the cake. The way that He works with us to glorify Himself and allow us to experience joy is simply astounding. Here are 3 things that God…

  • Impossible to Extraordinary

    Impossible to Extraordinary

    I know that this has been said many times and is a pretty obvious biblical truth but, it also seems to be something we often forget. Whatever you’re facing, it isn’t hopeless for the King of Kings! It doesn’t matter how catastrophic your situation may appear, or how over-bearing the obstacles may seem, it isn’t…

  • Put Up or Shut Up


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    Here’s a question that I’ve been asking myself lately… What does it mean to follow Christ? Now, I know that there are some typical answers to this question, but they’ve really become more “church talk” than an actual lifestyle. Here are a few practical examples of what following Christ look like when put into action……

  • Over-Complicating Simplicity


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    It seems to be a trend in today’s culture… To over-complicate everything. Some things aren’t supposed to be complicated… Like: government policies, law, math, and insurance. :-) I think we often over-complicate Christianity. We focus on theological terms and denominational stances. We focus on systems and programs. We focus on things beyond our control. While…