One of the most misunderstood concepts about leadership is that leaders can’t show any sign of vulnerability or softness. As young leaders, this is something that we feel makes us a good leader. The second we appear to be less than all knowing or tough skinned, we begin to think we’re lacking in leadership…
I don’t know where the breakdown has happened, but I get more and more communication from people that don’t really seem to be talking to humans. What they send or say is rude and full of demands. I understand that typed communication isn’t the same as face to face communication. I understand that some…
1. People are more likely to read it. Whether we like to admit it or not, people’s attention spans are shrinking quickly. No longer are people likely to have their attention taken for long periods of time. People like scanning what they read because they can do so quickly. When we communicate in bullet…
From what I hear and see around the Internet and in conversations with people in churches, church communications seems to be a growing topic of concentration. For good reason. Communication, both with the church members and attenders as well as communication with those in our community, is essential to a growing and vibrant church.…
It seems like we all say it at some point. It goes something like, “I guess it was just bad communication.” The truth is, communication is one of life’s most precious gifts. Good communication can prevent wars, can start wars, can cause marriages to flounder, and can save a lost soul. It’s not all…
Twitter has grown like wildfire over the last couple of years. It’s gone from being “that thing kinda like Facebook status” to “twitter, I can’t believe you don’t use it yet.” Still, though, some still refuse to make the jump to using it on a regular basis. With that said, here are 4 reasons…