Category: Random Stuff

  • If The Movies Were Real Life…


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    I can across this post the other day on If you haven’t heard, a cruise ship some how found its way onto dry land. It didn’t dock at a port, it just kinda ran aground. The result was a cruise ship full of paniced people. In fact, there were actually some deaths from it.…

  • Blast Off!



    Just wanted to post really quickly and let you know about a new project that just launched today. It’s called Now, don’t freak out and say, “I’m not a millennial” or “I’m not a leader.” You are a leader and it can still impact you even if you’re not a millennial (20 something). The…

  • Anticipating 2012


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    As I head in to 2012, one word keeps coming into my mind… Anticipation. I’m anticipating… God to seem more present in my life than ever before. God allowing me to reap what I’ve sown. God doing more than I could have ever asked for or imagined. God giving me opportunities to impact the world around me…

  • Merry Christmas!


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    I’m so appreciative of all of you that make this blog a part of your daily faith and life. I’m honored to have you as a part of this community. Merry Christmas from Jonathan & Melissa Pearson!

  • I Wonder…


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    1.What the weather was like the original Christmas night? 2. How did NASA ever figure out where to land in space? 3. Why God made cats? 4. Where I’ll be this time 20 years from now? 5. How often I’d have to workout to have a 6 pack? What do you wonder?

  • 4 Questions


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    1. What’s your favorite Christmas carol? 2. What are you most thankful for this Christmas season? 3. If I could give you one thing for Christmas, what would it be? 4. Egg Nog or Apple Cider?

  • Samsung Stereotyping iPhone’rs

    This has made its way around the internet now, but I thought I’d pass it along in case you haven’t seen it. It’s funny, but kinda shows how much we stereotype people. Are the stereotypes right?

  • What Thanksgiving Food You Just Gotta Have?


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    With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, we’re all thinking about and thankful for family and food. Anytime my family gets together for Thanksgiving, I always look forward to my mother’s Dressing. Which brings me to my question for today… What Thanksgiving food do you just have to have?

  • Your Favorite Part of Winter


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    I can appreciate about any season of the year. Each one has something unique to offer and something unique to experience. Fall has leaves. Summer has swimming. Spring has new growth. But winter has… Christmas and soup! At least those are my 2 favorite things. What about you, what’s the thing you like most about…

  • Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries, & The Rest of Us


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    In case you haven’t heard (how did you escape it?), Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are getting a divorce. Yes, it had been just 72 days since the multi-million dollar wedding, but Kim has submitted the divorce papers. Some people are wondering if it wasn’t some huge publicity stunt, but I don’t think it was.…