This is commercial makes me laugh every time I see it. I think this also happens to me sometimes… I think I know something or I assume that someone is a certain way and I totally miss the boat. Sometimes all I can do is swallow my pride and ask forgiveness. (I don’t usually…
1. What’s your favorite spring activity? 2. Cable or Satelitte? 3. If given the opportunity tomorrow, would you rather spend a day alone, or with a group of people? 4. What’s the best news you’ve gotten in the last 6 months?
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been on a health binge. I’m not necessarily trying to lose a ton of weight, but I’m trying to get a little more fit. Trying to become a little less squishy. Just out of curiosity today… What’s your best diet/workout advice? Why should I use it (how’d…
Remember when churches used to have testimony times? Times for the congregation to give testimony to what God has been doing in their lives. The truth is, God is good. He’s been good to us. There’s certainly something that we can all testify to that God’s done in our life recently. For me, He’s…
Instead of writing my usual post today, I thought I’d give you a chance to do some writing. I know that a lot of the readers have a blog themselves, but I also know that there’s sometimes some “stuff” that doesn’t fit what you blog about. So, I’d like for you to share… What…
I hate waking up to an alarm clock. It doesn’t really matter what time of the day the alarm is set for, if it wakes me up, I’m in a bad mood for at least a few minutes. I’ve joked with the people that I work with that I come close to quitting every…