We’ve all heard the saying, “That’s easier said than done.” One of the reasons sayings like that stick around so long is because they’re mostly true. The older I’ve gotten and the more life experience I gain, I really do see how true this statement is. No matter what we’re doing, what our dream…
My personal blog has over 1,300 posts. Those posts have come over a long period of time. I started writing my first post on Blogger in September of 2008. Some of those posts have certainly been better than others and some have certainly taken longer than others to publish. Through those 7 years, I’ve…
Buffer Most people that have used social media a while know this one. You basically dump all of your tweets, retweets, and links into it and it schedules them out in predefined times that you’ve set. That way, your followers never get bombarded by 3 tweets in a row. Buffer works with a host…
Since I’ve released The Productive Pastor Handbook, one of the common questions I hear is, “As a creative person, how can I become more productive.”
I love reading short writings. From ebooks to blogs, they are perfect for my attention span and don’t require a large investment from me on the front in (shameless plug: pick up my ebook The Productive Pastor!).
Most of us are great at thinking of things to do. We’re great at dreaming up weekend projects around the house or thinking of ways to do new things where we work.