Category: Church Ministry

  • Division is Easier: 1 Step to Change the World

    I read a lot of the same blogs, web sites, and articles that you do. We engage in the same kind of conversations centered around Christianity, the church, and methodology. What breaks my heart about reading these things and engaging in these conversations is what often happens after they’re published or said. Instead of reading…

  • God & Technology

    A few weeks, ago, we launched an online campus at Cornerstone Community Church. It’s been great to hear the first stories of how going to church online is making an impact on people’s lives. We’ve heard how people who have moved away from the church that they once loved are reconnecting to it on the…

  • How to Make Your Life Count… Beyond Your SS#

    I talk a lot about “turning the world UPSIDE down.” It’s something that I believe in. It’s something that I truly believe God has called us to do. It’s something that seems so irrational and bold, but really only requires us living out the life God’s called us to. It requires God living through us.…

  • Choking Under Pressure

    Growing up, I loved playing baseball. I was actually kinda good at the game, but there was one particular situation that I almost always failed in… Executing under pressure. I still remember the 2 outs, down by 1 scenario that every baseball player dreams of. What’d I do? I struck out for the first time…

  • 3 Life Lessons From Angry Birds

    1. If you really believe in something, you’ll give your life to see it accomplished. For those of you that have never played Angry Birds (where ya been?), the goal of the game is to shoot birds out of a sling shot and kill pigs that have buried themselves under random structures. The premise behind…

  • Dear Church. A Letter From the Searching

    Dear Church. A Letter From the Searching

    Dear Church, I write to you because I’m searching. I’m searching for something that I’m not sure can be found. I’m not sure what it looks like, what it feels like, or where to find it. I know it’s missing, and I need your help. I know there has to be more. There has to…

  • Know Your Market

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed or if it’s necessarily the case where you live, but where I live, Dollar General stores have popped up everywhere. Anytime I ride by one or reluctantly walk in one :), I can’t help but notice how they all seem to have a booming business. The reason? In my…

  • Which Came First? Chicken or Egg?

    The common question is what came first, the chicken or the egg. I lean toward the chicken since God created it, but that’s not the point of this post. The point? As Christians we have to know what comes first… Jesus or getting our actions right. A lot of Christians want the egg before they…

  • Here’s God’s Will for Your Life

    It’s always been  an often asked question… “What’s God’s will for my life?” In other words, the question is really this.. “What’s God’s specific plan for my life?” “What am I here for?” The question is a solid and valid question, but the answers we often come up with are less valid. People answer this…

  • The Average Christian’s Letter to the Hurting

    The Average Christian’s Letter to the Hurting

    It seems like many in the church have become disconnected to the outside world. That we’ve forgotten that people still have real hurts, real struggles, and need real love. Sometimes, I wonder if this isn’t how we (me included) come across to a hurting and largely unsaved world. Sometimes, I wonder if this isn’t what…