
  • You Being Them

    One of the things that drives me crazy is when someone tries too hard to fit in with other people. I think we’ve all met people (you may be one) that tries so hard to fit in with other people that they have completely lost all sense of identity. These people spend all their…

  • Dealing With Risks

    After yesterday’s post about taking risks, I figured that it would only be appropriate to post today about how to deal with failure… Failure is inevitable. If we are people of risk taking, we will be people of failure. Here are some things to do and consider before and after failure: Why are you…

  • Taking Risks

    I’ve always been a person willing to take risks. As a matter of fact, sometimes I’ve been known to take stupid risks without thinking them through. However, I like this fact about myself. I firmly believe that as Christians, we are to be risk takers. That’s what Jesus did. Risks are not always easy…