My mom always taught me not to point my finger at people. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had less tendency to point my finger at strangers, and more propensity to point my finger at the very people I should be supporting. I think a lot of it’s human nature. To point the finger of…
For a… Parent Pastor Friend Spouse Student Manager Leader There’s a healthy balance between being patient with the vision God’s given you and the people He’s allowed you to have a relationship with and being discontent with where you are. What I mean is this, there’s a burden inside all of us. Something that…
1. Think before you speak. We’ve all seen em. Some of us have posted em. Those status updates that happen in a split second because of something you thought was true or because of something you overheard. Had you thought it out, you would’ve never put it out for the whole world to read,…
Put all your stock in the opinion of other people. If you want to be sure you accomplish nothing, no matter what you’re doing, be sure you try to make EVERYONE happy. You’ll be so busy trying to please the preference of every person that you forget that you’re main purpose is to glorify…
I opened my email and clicked the link as soon as my Google plus invite appeared in my inbox. I jumped on, began to check stuff out, and began to invite other people almost immediately. For the next few days, I spent a chunk of time reading, responding to updates, and connecting with people…