My wife and I recently moved. Until we sell our house, we’re renting an apartment in Greenville, S.C. To make room for everything after downsizing from the house to a two bedroom apartment, we didn’t bring the washer and dryer. The apartment complex has a nice laundry room that is just a short walk from…
As a leader, it’s not about you. Or, maybe it is. Not completely about you. The mission, vision, and organization are still about something much more than you, but so much of your effectiveness in leading your department or organization or even family is about you.
Today is my last day at the office… Of my current job/church that is. It ends a 6.5 year journey with some incredible people. The first day I arrived, I was a 23 year old who just felt a call to a community and to a church. Today, I’m leaving as the Campus Pastor…
Investing: to put (money) to use, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering potential profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value. (Dictionary.com) In the financial realm, investing is only wise when you see a potential for a profit for yourself. Talk to anyone that’s ever invested any money in anything and they…
Growing up, I had a lot of people that tried to get me to do something by uttering a simple but really profound phrase. It went…
Life is full of interruptions. We thought it was gonna go one way but it went another. We thought we were going to reach the goal by May, something happened and we’re still working. We were scheduled to be there, but we’re still here.