
  • Struggle with Them

    Struggles… Everyone has them. Some people deny them. Some people accept them. Some people battle them. Some people never lose them. Some people overcome them. Some people are open about them. Some people are private with them. No matter what category you fall under, you struggle with them. The only way to overcome them…

  • What to Do When You Don’t Want to Do: Struggles in spending time with God

    This post may be completely for me. In fact, you may be able to stop reading and move to your next thing in a few lines. BUT… If you ever don’t feel like going to church, spending alone time with God, serving others, or praying, keep reading. You see, I’ve noticed something. It seems…

  • The Thing You Must Be Sure Of

    We live in a world of uncertainty. Things are going on around us and things are happening to us that we’re never completely sure about. We’re forced to make quick decisions and sometimes make them without being certain they’re right. There are a lot of things in life to be unsure of. Sometimes, uncertainty…

  • 5 Surefire Ways to Get Fired by God

    As a leader I mean… Don’t get me wrong He’s not like Trump who gets a rise out of firing people–but there does come a time when His patience runs out and He gives people the boot! So if you’re a leader and are desperately looking to get fired by Him here are a…

  • The Hidden Gem in the Blogosphere

    A couple of days ago, I confessed on twitter that one of my favorite blogs to read is Ann Jackson’s “Flowerdust.” Now, I know that blogs are a dime a dozen, everyone it seems, has one or has had one in the past. Aside from the few really big ones we all hear about,…

  • Starbucks Christianity

    Church has adopted a culture of talk, dress, likes, and dislikes. The Church has developed it’s own culture. It’s not that hard to spot a pastor in your local Starbucks. You can tell by the clothes he’s wearing, the coffee he’s drinking, or even the computer on his table. The Church has become another…