
  • I Don’t Want to Think

    I Don’t Want to Think

    A very up-front post today…… It seems as if we’ve quit hearing from God. Christians, churches, and clergy have lost sight of the fact that God still speaks. Instead of hearing God, we’ve decided that it’s better to reason things out, see what makes sense, weigh our options, and then make a decision. This…

  • Impossible to Extraordinary

    Impossible to Extraordinary

    I know that this has been said many times and is a pretty obvious biblical truth but, it also seems to be something we often forget. Whatever you’re facing, it isn’t hopeless for the King of Kings! It doesn’t matter how catastrophic your situation may appear, or how over-bearing the obstacles may seem, it…

  • Never Let Apathy Win

    Never Let Apathy Win

    The greatest threat facing the local church isn’t from any outside source, but rather the sheer apathy of those inside the church. I’ve made this statement several times over the last few days. I really believe that churches today are filled with people just going through the motions of church and the Christian life.…

  • The Power of Purpose

    Quick post today, but here’s what’s on my mind… Anyone that has been in church for any amount of time has heard a statement similar to this: “God has a purpose for your life.” I think we often hear that, process it, and move on to the next thing. However, think about that statement…

  • 5 Signs You Ain’t Got It

    While a lot can be said and accomplished by hard work, dedication, and will, some things just aren’t meant for everyone. Sometimes, our giftedness falls outside of the category that we would sometimes like it to. Here are the top 5 signs that you just ain’t got it… You have to talk people into…

  • 3 Things I Know

    I’m a pretty young dude. In fact, I’ve been called a “young whipper-snapper” recently. I have, however, lived life 23 years. It’s hard to live even that long without learning a few things along the way. So, here are 3 things that I know. I hope you already know them as well! 1. God’s…