
  • 1 Positive Thing About Saying ‘I Don’t Know’

    Sometimes, life seems to move faster than we can. Sometimes, things seem overwhelming. Sometimes, the mountain in front of us looks impossible to climb. Sometimes, the hand we’re dealt leaves us thinking only one thing… The one positive thing about admitting that we don’t know? We find the hope and joy of relying on…

  • Why Do What You Do?

    Why do you do what you do? Is it because you have to? Is it because it’s expected by those around you? Is it because you know nothing else to do? Is it because it’s comfortable? Is it because it’s easy? Is it because it’s all that’s available? Is it because it pays the…

  • The Campfire Principle: Relationships

    Another aspect of life that operates by the “campfire principle” is relationship. (If you missed the last post, you can catch up here) No matter what kind of relationship we’re in, we must continually stoke it and build it. I’ve only been married for about 20 months, but I’ve already learned that my relationship…

  • The Campfire Principle: Ministry

    I’m not really much of an outdoorsman, but I have sat around a campfire enough to know that, if you don’t make an effort to keep a campfire going, it eventually dies out. With a campfire, you have to consistently add wood and stoke the fire to keep it burning. I think the same…

  • What Christians Can Learn From Animals

    This video has been around a while. Many of you have probably seen it. But, for those that haven’t, you really need to! Seriously, why can’t humans do this? Better yet, why can’t CHRISTIANS do this? Instead, we let the color of our skin seperate our worship services. Instead, we let a small issues…

  • When the Hopelessly Impossible Becomes A Hopeful Possibility

    What seems hopelessly impossible becomes a hopeful possibility when it’s in God’s hands. Jesus died a death that was typical of many criminals in His day. They nailed Him to a cross and waited for Him to die. The people of the time had seem this played out time and time again. A man…