
  • Victory is Yours

    I’ve always been intrigued by the victorious life. In fact, I don’t think God’s pleased when we live a life that says we’re doubtful about the end. Instead, I think God wants us to live a victorious life that proves the end is already in hand. Too often we (Christians) live a timid, defeated…

  • 10 Things You Never Wanna Hear From Your Doctor

    1. “What happened to my glove?” 2. “Hmm…that’s weird” 3. “What’s the worst that could happen?” 4. “I ain’t got no idea.” 5. “Let me Google it.” 6. “Mind if I twitpic this?” 7. “Would you like me to tell you today’s specials?” 8. “Some call it taxidermy, I call it practice.” 9. “Sorry…

  • Spiritual Anorexia

    For as long as I can remember, I’ve battled a weight problem. As a 10 year old boy, I can remember knowing that I wasn’t happy with the way I looked and felt. In fact, I can distinctly remember thinking time and time again as I looked in the mirror, “I don’t feel like…

  • Leaders Lead

    Leaders…Lead. Leaders are followed. Leaders make decisions. Leaders demonstrate the right way. Leaders step out first. Leaders dare to be different. Leaders set themselves apart. Leaders aren’t afraid of crunch time. Leaders don’t follow the crowd. Leaders don’t always choose easy. Leaders choose right over popular. Leaders are willing to invest in people. It…

  • 1 Positive Thing About Saying ‘I Don’t Know’

    Sometimes, life seems to move faster than we can. Sometimes, things seem overwhelming. Sometimes, the mountain in front of us looks impossible to climb. Sometimes, the hand we’re dealt leaves us thinking only one thing… The one positive thing about admitting that we don’t know? We find the hope and joy of relying on…

  • Why Do What You Do?

    Why do you do what you do? Is it because you have to? Is it because it’s expected by those around you? Is it because you know nothing else to do? Is it because it’s comfortable? Is it because it’s easy? Is it because it’s all that’s available? Is it because it pays the…