Category: Featured

  • The Hidden Gem in the Blogosphere

    A couple of days ago, I confessed on twitter that one of my favorite blogs to read is Ann Jackson’s “Flowerdust.” Now, I know that blogs are a dime a dozen, everyone it seems, has one or has had one in the past. Aside from the few really big ones we all hear about, the…

  • Starbucks Christianity


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    Church has adopted a culture of talk, dress, likes, and dislikes. The Church has developed it’s own culture. It’s not that hard to spot a pastor in your local Starbucks. You can tell by the clothes he’s wearing, the coffee he’s drinking, or even the computer on his table. The Church has become another culture.…

  • Say It to My Face!


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    Matthew 18:15-20 is one of the easiest passages to understand. It’s not that difficult to realize that when you have an issue with someone, you go to them FIRST. It’s doesn’t take a ton of historical or even biblical knowledge to grasp the concept that Jesus is trying to relay in these verses. But… For…

  • There’s 1 Problem with The Bible


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    I’ve always had a special interest in the Bible. As a child, I always wanted to carry a Bible to Church. I would always go to Sunday School carrying my little Precious Moments Bible (don’t judge me!). I would struggle to find the right passage when the teacher began to talk. But, I always had…

  • 4 Words Every Leader Needs to Hear

    “I’ve got your back.” Leading isn’t an easy job. At times, it can seem as if you’re on an island. Regardless of the number of supportive people you have around you, sometimes the loneliness outweighs the support. If you’re leading effectively, often it comes with some opposition. Opposition magnifies the loneliness. When tough decisions are…

  • 3 Words Every Leader Needs to Say

    “You are appreciated.” Sometimes leaders fail at making people feel appreciated. Sometimes the pace of leadership causes a leader to forget about the people that really make things happen. If you’ve ever supported a church or organization, you know what it’s like to give and never receive any reward. You work tirelessly, but never get…

  • Having Sext

    States across the country are revising their child pornography laws to adjust the punishments for what has become known as “sexting” — distributing sexual images via cell phone. Many states have relaxed the charge, previously considered a felony, for minors because minors are making up an increasing percentage of the people charged with sexting. In…

  • Don’t Be Anxious

    “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7 I read theses verses a little while ago. Here’s what struck me… The…