
  • 3 Times We Need To Put Our Phone Down

    3 Times We Need To Put Our Phone Down

    I have a problem. It doesn’t seem like a big deal 99% of the time, but the other 1% it’s a huge deal. You see, sometimes I like my iPhone.. too much. For the most part, I’m good at using it as just a tool. I use it to make phone calls, make notes,…

  • What Having A Baby And Leading People Have In Common

    What Having A Baby And Leading People Have In Common

    My life has been changed the last 3 months. What was somewhat predictable and all about myself and my wife has suddenly become more hectic and has come with more responsibility. Having a baby is the coolest thing ever. It’s also the most sudden life changing event ever. Over the last few months, I’ve…

  • When God Says, “Stupid”

    When God Says, “Stupid”

    Then the wood-carver measures a block of wood and draws a pattern on it. He works with chisel and plane and carves it into a human figure. He gives it human beauty and puts it in a little shrine. He cuts down cedars; he selects the cypress and the oak; he plants the pine…

  • How I Read and Save Web Content

    How I Read and Save Web Content

    I’m always looking for a better way of doing things. When Google Reader shut down, it gave me the perfect avenue to try something different with the way I read blogs and RSS content. It took me a little while to figure it all out, but I have a pretty good system now. I…

  • Beauty in A Gas Station Bathroom

    Beauty in A Gas Station Bathroom

    A few months ago, Melissa and I went on a fairly long day trip. We were driving up the interstate and stopped to go to the bathroom. Not being able to get a look at the gas stations on the exit before getting off the interstate, we tried to make do and go to…

  • How I Keep Up With Who I’m Praying For

    How I Keep Up With Who I’m Praying For

    One of the most common asked questions for me as a pastor is the question, “Can you pray for me?” Being a pastor that loves people, I certainly can’t tell people no. For years, I’ve had trouble remembering who to pray for. I’ve made attempts in the past to write them down or enter…